Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Always True

I've never heard of this guy, but his book caught my interest. In his book "Always True," pastor James Macdonald provides five of God's major promises in a topical study format. The struggle of mine that seems to tackle me to the ground most frequently is that of focusing on the imperatives while forgetting the indicatives. Focusing on the work and forgetting the grace. I'd like to give it a look.

I looked this guy up to see what he's all about. Because I walk the fine line between judgmental and discerning (usually erring on the side of judgmental), I was tempted to think by looking at the website, "here's another seeker-sensitive church with vague theology." I'm not on a witch hunt, I just want to be careful what I read...because what I ingest gets applied to my life, whether adversely or consciously. Pastor Macdonald founded the Harvest ministry of churches and schools, but not the Harvest I was familiar with [Greg Laurie and the Crusades]. They have a lot of churches in the Midwest and on the East Coast, some even abroad. They've planted hundreds of churches. It seems to me that they have topical preaching, but I don't want to label him seeker-sensitive or emerging...because I just don't know.

Do you?


  1. My mom has heard him on the radio while driving to Ohio. She's never heard a whole sermon, but from what she's heard he seems alright.

  2. The best way to find out is to see whether or not he liked The Shack.
