Q: where does my worth lie?
Q: where do my feelings of constant disappointment come from?
A?: Some days I'm daydreaming that I'm a folk musician from Nashville, an advertising executive, an antique store owner...whatever it is, its always something I know I'm not. I'm focusing on the uncharacteristic, not on the indicative. Dreaming is healthy, envy is ghastly.
See its summertime again, and for me, this is when feelings of worthlessness set it. All year long I'm away at school, keeping busy with school, church, and a job. I feel accomplished and most of the time I'm proud of my work. I tell myself its worthwhile, and I am content.
Trusting God and human responsibility coexist. He has given us resources and talents. We plan our course, but He determines our steps. We are told to seek first His kingdom, and earthly needs will be added unto us. If you know me, you know that I've definitely taken care of the human responsibility side of things...and then some. Its not that I believe God is not trustworthy, its almost like I believe I know what I need better than He does, and that somehow, right now, I'm not where I'm supposed to be - I'm supposed to be somewhere better.
When I ask myself "what is my position?" the first thing that I recall is not my position in Christ. This is the essential problem. He has been faithful, and will continue to be faithful. I need to get it out of my head that one of life's main goals is to make a name for myself because my pride is at stake.
My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand.
I am, in essence, the same person whether I'm stranded in the desert or self-employed in my Hollywood loft. So rather than focus on the paint, let me rather focus on the contents of the house.
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