I'm finally doing it. My all-talk has turned into action and I'm learning to play the piano. Its only the first week and I have already managed to try and talk myself into dropping the class. Its ridiculous how good I am at justifying quitting.
I can always just buy the book and learn on my own...I should wait until I have more time...or even
its too late for me to learn. I still don't want to take any risks. I still refuse to feel discomfort, even with the knowledge of end reward. I won't quit though. I decided a long time ago that I won't let me talk myself out of things anymore. Even if nothing comes from this...if I never play for anyone...teach anyone...I will have tried, and by trying I will have learned something. That is always true. Compare it to a mid-life-crisis, only this is a "senior-year-crisis." I find myself thinking "if I don't do it now, when will I?" The finality of events that are major turning points in life make me look at everything in a new light. What's different about one day over any other? That's the wrong question I think - its more about the principle than the physical. Don't forget the choices you make, the thoughts you think, and the decisions you make in times of great emotion. Even when the emotion has died down, and you feel you are thinking more rationally, remember that those thoughts came from somewhere inside yourself that still exists no matter your disposition.