Pain is an interesting emotion. Are we supposed to feel it? No doubt it is programmed into us as human beings. When we are hurt, we feel pain. But are we supposed to feel it...is it "ok" to be in pain? Or is it a temporary state that only exists so that it can be overcome as quickly as possible?
"Life IS pain," replied Wesley to Princess Buttercup, "anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something." Life indeed contains pain, but I question whether it is the ingredient that life is made up of.
On the flip-side, while discussing the Romantics in class one day, Dr. Hotchkiss made this statement: "Art comes from pain, and Christians aren't supposed to feel pain." Its as if pain is like the bad guys in 'The Village' ("those who we do not speak of"). It sounds ridiculous, by saying "we do not speak" of something is actually what proves its existence. Often we pretend pain doesn't exist either for the purpose of fooling ourselves or maintaining a front, because to acknowledge pain is painful, and allows people to see that you aren't "ok." The unbeliever might respond with a cavalier "who cares?" but what must be understood is that from the Christian perspective, to admit that you are in a state of pain is tantamount to an unstable spiritual life, and the last thing we want people doing is questioning the eternal state of our souls.
Life IS pain...no. To live is Christ.
Christians aren't supposed to feel pain?...yes, but, WE DO.
To reconcile the two we must acknowledge pain, its existence as well as its presence in our own lives. But to stop there would be to despair - to be without God. We are perplexed by pain, but not in despair (2 Cor. 4:8). And we do not despair because our hope is beyond this life and is found in Christ...but I digress.
Life is not pain, life includes pain. Don't ignore it, embrace it.